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I’ve always thought that Constitutionally guaranteed rights are solid, irreducible things that one can not “compromise” with or partially forfeit. The right is either protected and recognized, or suppressed and ignored. There really isn’t any in-between.

Or so I thought. Now I’m hearing all these people, Obama included, say that we ought to be “reasonable” and make some “common sense” Constitutional sacrifices. He says we need to “compromise” on the Second Amendment. Well, there’s a problem with that, Mr. President: It’s not a true “compromise” unless YOU give something, too. And it doesn’t count as you giving something just because you “only” want to take a chunk of our gun rights, rather than all of it. You didn’t give us rights in the first place, they aren’t yours to give or take. They aren’t even ours to give or take, if you believe the Declaration of Independence. They belong to God and are bestowed by His grace, not yours.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t come up with a plan that would be equally uncomfortable to both sides. In fact, I’ve got an idea. Here’s my compromise:

We’ll agree to background checks to buy a gun, if you agree to background checks to buy an abortion. How’s that sound? Any takers? Anyone? Where are all the “reasonable” left winger? I thought you’d love this idea? I mean, the intent behind background checks for gun purchases is to cover all prospective gun owners in a veil of suspicion and to comb through their past for indicators that could be subjectively determined to be a sign that they are buying this gun for an abusive and violent reason. OK, well if you want to do that you have to agree to cover all prospective abortion buyers in a veil of suspicion and to comb through their past for indicators that could be subjectively determined to be signs that they want to buy this abortion for an abusive and violent reason.

Oh, here’s another compromise: If you get to ban certain guns because you’ve determined that nobody “needs” them, then we get to ban certain abortions because we’ve determined that nobody needs them. So, for instance, someone who is financially stable and physically healthy doesn’t get to have one because they don’t need it.


Someone share this compromise idea with the President. When he agrees to his side of it, I’ll agree to mine. And then I’ll hop on my flying pig into a frozen hell.