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Christians, If We Hate Hollywood So Much Maybe We Should Actually Stop Watching Its Filth

Christians, If We Hate Hollywood So Much Maybe We Should Actually Stop Watching Its Filth

Last night, the industry gave its top award to a love story about a woman and a fish monster. It also handed an award to “Call Me By Your Name,” a romance about a grown man and a teenage boy. The majority of the nominated films were some combination of idiotic, depraved, and pointless …

Why do we Christians and conservatives, who complain constantly about Hollywood, still give Hollywood so much of our time and money? Without us, the industry couldn’t stay in business. We are the ones who keep it afloat.

Your Pet Is Not A Person And You Shouldn’t Treat It Like One

Your Pet Is Not A Person And You Shouldn’t Treat It Like One

People are more complicated. They will not lie at your feet. They will not slobber over you. They will not sit there to be rubbed or cuddled as long as you wish. They are not accessories that you can carry around for “emotional support.” Their needs are more complex.

It is work to love them, and it involves an emotional risk. This is all too much for a selfish person so he retreats to the lesser, simpler, self-centered “love” of his cat or his parrot. And, as I’ve found, he’s often pretty straightforward about his selfish motivations.

Christians, Our True Battle Is Spiritual, Not Political

Christians, Our True Battle Is Spiritual, Not Political

This week I published my book, The Unholy Trinity. The first few lines of the book — particularly the first sentence — have already sparked a fair amount of reaction: The first liberal was named Lucifer. He was an angel. He lived in Heaven millennia ago, before modern...
My new book is on sale NOW

My new book is on sale NOW

This is the official launch day for my book, The Unholy Trinity. I’d like to say I’m excited about it — I mean, I am excited — but I also feel a mixture of more stressful emotions, which I’m told are pretty common for authors. I think...
Pro-Lifers Aren’t the Ones Being Hypocrites, Tomi

Pro-Lifers Aren’t the Ones Being Hypocrites, Tomi

Tomi Lahren and I work for the same company. I’ve been on her show a few times and I always enjoyed the conversation. I don’t really know her because I work from home up in Maryland and she’s down at headquarters in Dallas, but she seems like a nice person and I have no qualms with her personally at all.

Our Modern Opinions Are Irrelevant. God’s Word Is Not up for a Vote.

Our Modern Opinions Are Irrelevant. God’s Word Is Not up for a Vote.

A new study has been released showing that a majority of Americans are in favor of female pastors and priests. Of course, this isn’t at all surprising. It’s been a while since Scripture has enjoyed popular support in this country. There are probably more Americans studying “50 Shades of Grey” every night than the Bible, so you can’t really expect the mass of people to have a biblically literate view of things.

5 Ways Men Should Man up and Lead Their Families

5 Ways Men Should Man up and Lead Their Families

In writing about the “Day Without A Woman” protest earlier, I hit on a particular theme that sparked a fair amount of blow back, even from self-professed longtime readers. I said that the husbands of these left-wing feminist women, who decided to abandon their professional and family duties for the day in order to make some vaguely defined political statement, need to show some leadership in their households.

Parents, Hollywood Wants to Brainwash Your Kids. Don’t Let Them.

Parents, Hollywood Wants to Brainwash Your Kids. Don’t Let Them.

As I mentioned a few days ago, Disney has announced that the new “Beauty and the Beast” film will add a subplot that definitely was not in the original. Specifically, one of the male characters will “explore his sexuality” throughout the movie, leading to, as the director describes it, a “delicious payoff” where the character will engage in an “exclusively gay moment.”