by Matt Walsh | Mar 3, 2017
President Trump delivered an impressive speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. He hammered on a lot of familiar Trump themes but did so in a more effective way than we’ve seen before.
by Matt Walsh | Mar 1, 2017
Complacency and despondency. I think these are the two great spiritual dangers faced by Christians in our culture, or any culture.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 27, 2017
This past weekend, there were dozens of “I Am Muslim Too” rallies across the country, where people who were not necessarily Muslim still marched with signs saying “I am Muslim” in solidarity with Muslims who, they claim, are being persecuted by Trump’s proposed travel restrictions.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 27, 2017
President Trump this week rescinded the rule unconstitutionally imposed by Obama’s White House requiring that all schools across the country allow gender confused boys (or any boy who feels like pretending he’s confused that day) to invade the bathrooms and locker rooms of their female classmates.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 22, 2017
I’m not looking to jump on the dog pile, but an important lesson must be learned here. Milo Yiannopolous has been uninvited from CPAC and rightfully condemned for his comments promoting the sexual abuse of children.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 20, 2017
By some stroke of misfortune I happened across this headline from People Magazine: “Yoga Instructor Practices in White Pants While Free-Bleeding to Make a Point About Period Shame.”
by Matt Walsh | Feb 20, 2017
Something a little different on the podcast today. Taking a break from politics to discuss a topic closer to home and more relevant to our lives. This is not marriage “advice” — I’m not equipped to be doling advice out — but it is an observation.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 17, 2017
You have to give us a little while for our eyes to adjust. It’s dizzying, you understand. A bit disorienting.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 14, 2017
Beyonce gave a typically self-deifying performance at the Grammy Awards last night.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 13, 2017
Our country is very dangerous for Christians. In fact, our country, and western culture as a whole, may be more dangerous for Christians than any other place anywhere in the world, at any time.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 9, 2017
Over 80 percent of the people in this country claim to be Christian, but how many, in the end, will find out the hard way that their claims were false?
by Matt Walsh | Feb 3, 2017
It’s striking that so many people on the left appear to have limitless compassion for refugees and illegal immigrants yet none at all for babies.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 1, 2017
Goodbye, Boy Scouts. You fools. You invertebrates. You caved once again and will now allow “transgender boys” — also known as girls — to enter your ranks.
by Matt Walsh | Feb 1, 2017
The recent news about Donald Trump’s Executive Order seems to have created scores of new Biblical scholars.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 30, 2017
I’m not going to bother with an in depth breakdown of Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. Plenty of those have already been written, and a few of them are even accurate:
by Matt Walsh | Jan 27, 2017
Today I’ll be at the March For Life in DC. I expect it to be different from the march that took over the city last week in a few important ways:
by Matt Walsh | Jan 26, 2017
I have long said that feminism and “transgenderism” are on a crash course. They cannot really coexist under the umbrella of the same ideology.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 24, 2017
On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 24, 2017
It has been remarked upon many times that the people who most regularly preach “tolerance” are often the people who are least likely to demonstrate it.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 19, 2017
The Democrats have, for several months now, been in a state of convulsive rage over WikiLeaks. They tell us that WikiLeaks is in league with Putin. They tell us that WikiLeaks subverted our system and destabilized the very foundations of our democracy. WikiLeaks stole the election. Sabotage! So on and so forth.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 17, 2017
As I mentioned in my previous post, it has been decided that I am this week’s Worst Person Ever for a couple of things I recently wrote.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 17, 2017
A lot of people have been offering their, um, feedback, to a couple of things I tweeted over the past week or so. And when I say “feedback” I mean that an angry mob numbering in the thousands descended upon my social media feeds and email inbox like rabid hyenas, eager to inform me that I’m awful, evil, ugly, fat, old, stupid, [expletive], [expletive], [expletive] [expletive] [expletive], etc., and because of this I should die, my wife should die, my children should die…
by Matt Walsh | Jan 13, 2017
There’s been a lot of talk over the past few weeks about Barack Obama’s “legacy.” I think he will be remembered for many things, none of them good, but his greatest legacy is precisely the opposite of the legacy he claimed he would leave: the utter collapse of race relations in this country.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 10, 2017
I confess that I don’t usually keep up to speed on the marketing campaigns of make up companies, but a couple of recent ones were hard to miss. First, it was announced that the new Cover Girl would be a person named James Charles, who is indeed not a girl at all. Feeling left out, Maybelline countered by naming Manny Gutierrez as its brand ambassador. Also not a girl. The country braces itself for the day when Tampax joins the fray.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 10, 2017
When I heard that Meryl Streep had given a speech at the Golden Globes blasting Donald Trump and Trump’s voters, my first thought was: “Oh, that’s on tonight?” And then I thought: “Wait, there were only like three good movies in 2016. How could they even do a whole awards show?” And then I thought: “Anyway, who cares about any of this?”
by Matt Walsh | Jan 7, 2017
This kind of thing isn’t even unique. The white man kidnapped and savagely tortured by a group of racist thugs wasn’t the first to fall victim to a hate crime of this sort in Chicago recently. It was only a few weeks ago that a white Trump supporter was dragged from his truck by a group of black teens and ruthlessly beaten in the middle of the street while a crowd of onlookers egged them on. A pattern is emerging. And it’s getting worse.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 7, 2017
Lena Dunham, who is famous for unclear reasons, said this week that she “wishes” she had an abortion. In a recent episode of her podcast — which, I’m told, detainees at CIA black sites in Afghanistan are forced to listen to as a form of enhanced interrogation — Dunham lamented her lack of abortion street cred:
by Matt Walsh | Jan 7, 2017
MTV, in an apparent effort to ensure a second term of Donald Trump, released a video this week entitled, “2017 Resolutions For White Guys.”
by Matt Walsh | Jan 7, 2017
Abortion fans have been pretty outraged this week. They’re always outraged about something, of course, but it seems their outrage has been manifesting itself in increasingly deranged ways.
by Matt Walsh | Jan 7, 2017
Let’s always remember, first of all, that the world is full of hypocrites. Things are far less confusing when you come to understand and accept that reality.