by Matt Walsh | Oct 9, 2013
It’s happened twice in a week, and they were both women. Anyone ought to have more class than this, but women — especially women — should damn well know better. Last week, I was at the pharmacy and a friendly lady approached me. “Matt! How are...
by Matt Walsh | Oct 8, 2013
The halls of your local middle school are likely riddled with posters, banners and bulletin boards, all containing supposedly “motivational” and “informative” messages. If you can block out all of the horrible 12 year olds psychologically and...
by Matt Walsh | Oct 5, 2013
I guess it’s become my tradition on the weekend to pull from the “mailbag” and post a response to an interesting email from the week. I thought I’d switch it up this time around and go with something that isn’t nasty, vulgar hate mail....
by Matt Walsh | Oct 3, 2013
Dear President Obama, You strike me as the sort of man who spends a lot of time staring at his own reflection. I wonder, what do you see when you gaze so admiringly at yourself? What image do you find in that mirror of yours? Let me guess: a graceful Greek god with a...
by Matt Walsh | Oct 1, 2013
Government shutdown? Where? What government shutdown? I keep hearing about this today; people are panicked, hysterical, extremely upset because the “government” has “shutdown.” Have I inadvertently trespassed into some alternate universe?...