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I know this is hard to believe, you guys, but there’s something important happening that corporate mass media isn’t doing a good job of reporting. Shocking, I know. Yes, as difficult to fathom as it might be, the media that shows up with cameras and note pads every time Obama shoots a jumper, somehow may have managed to overlook a slightly more relevant story.

So do America a favor and do the media’s job for them by sharing this.

The Romeike family is from Germany. They fled to this country a few years ago and were granted asylum status. They came here with their five kids (who they are providing for themselves without taxpayer assistance) because they were being persecuted for home schooling. In Germany, home schooling is banned. Every kid must attend government facilities and if you attempt to educate your children yourself, they will be taken from you and you will be arrested. So Momma and Pappa Romeiki faced thousands of dollars in fines, imprisonment and governmental child abduction. Persecution? Yeah, I’d say so. I’d like one parent to tell me it isn’t.

Well Obama’s Justice Department now wants to deport the family back to Germany where they will be, most likely, arrested and stripped of their parental rights. The DOJ argues that parents do not have a fundamental right to educate their own children, therefore asylum never should have been granted.

Ok. A few things.

1) This is relevant to everyone. The Obama Administration has made the proclamation that you do NOT have a basic right to provide an education to your own children. If that sort of totalitarian statement doesn’t concern you, you aren’t paying attention.

2) Let’s review: Flee from Mexico to the United States in search of entitlements and tax payer handouts? Sure, come on in. Flee from Germany to the United States in search of the freedom to take care of yourself and your own family without State interference? Get the hell out! You must have misheard us: This is the land of the free. As in, the land of free STUFF, not freeDOM.

3) Let’s review: You have the right to abort your child. You do not have the right to educate your child.

4) You know how people like to wedge Hitler references into every conversation? It’s at the point where, if Hitler never existed, we’d be totally unable to express our disapproval of an idea or political opinion. But, behold, I offer the one issue where Hitler must unavoidably be introduced into the equation. You know why? Because the German policy of banning home school STARTED UNDER HITLER. Translation: Obama is offering his approval of a Nazi law. That isn’t hyperbole, that’s exactly what’s happening here. To all you people who believe the government should force all families to send their kids to State education facilities: Adolf Hitler agrees with you. In fact, he pioneered the concept. Still comfortable on that side of the fence?

Yeah. I bet you are.

5) It doesn’t matter how you feel about home schooling. Sure, every academic and social indicator proves, statistically, that home school is, generally speaking, a superior form of education. But that doesn’t matter. The fact is that every family obviously, clearly, undoubtedly has the RiGHT to choose it. I can not fathom the insanity of a person who thinks the State’s claim to your child ought to supersede your own.

Share this story with your friends. It would appear that parenting bans might be coming to a country near you.