Another Planned Parenthood video was released today. This one is perhaps the most revealing and damning of them all, with notable moments where officials explicitly plan to cover up and hide their illegal activities, and another where a doctor laughs about severing the “gonads” of dead babies. I call this “revealing and damning” in two ways. For one, it reveals the evil of the abortion industry, but for another, when millions of Americans ignore it like they ignored the other nine, it will reveal something quite damning about our country.
I provide here a bullet point rundown of each clip in the video. If you’re already converted to the pro-life cause and don’t want to necessarily watch the videos because of how much they upset you, I understand. But at least get informed about what’s in them. I try to do that here. I suffered through the video 3 times so I could catalog its contents exactly. Please, please, please, even if you don’t want to share what I have to say on the subject, share something. There aren’t very many people writing about it anymore, but share something. We have been abandoned by the government, the media, and even many “conservatives” who are supposed to be championing our cause. We have few tools at our disposal, so we need to use each to its greatest effect. Social media, especially.
I will warn you that I was in a very dark place when I wrote this. I woke up this morning and saw my children and my wife and I was happy. Then I sat down at my computer and immediately saw this video, watched it several times so I could tell you about it, and it plunged me into an angry and sad state. I don’t regret writing with anger and sadness — honestly, I don’t know how else to approach the holocaust of children — but if you’re looking for something cheerful, this ain’t it.
I’m also at the point where I’m sick to death of so called conservatives who’ve failed to heed the call and rise to the occasion. I name names in this piece. Conservatives with an audience need to be doing EVERYTHING in their power to expose these atrocities and save these children. Many have failed in that regard, and their failure is inexcusable and unforgivable.
So if you want happy thoughts today, don’t click. But if you want to know what’s really going on out there, then read and share:
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