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It's been over two years since I started writing for TheBlaze, so I assume this is old news to most everybody. However, I still run across people who come to this site looking for my new content, and leave confused when they don't find it. All of my new content is now...

Real Men Are Pro-Life

Real Men Are Pro-Life

Last week we were treated to a pathetic spectacle when pro-abortion fanatics started the "Men For Choice" campaign. It gave a bunch of men the chance to publicly declare their affinity for abortion. Of course, I use the word "men" loosely here. The truth is, men who...

They’re Not “Protesters.” They’re Terrorists.

They’re Not “Protesters.” They’re Terrorists.

Another city in flames thanks to Blacks Lives Matter and their apologists. Have we had enough of this yet? I wonder how many more buildings need to be torched, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders and police officers attacked before we finally call this what it...

Hillary Clinton Is A Sad And Pitiful Sight

Hillary Clinton Is A Sad And Pitiful Sight

Yesterday, Hillary had a three minute coughing fit at one of her rallies, then later on the plane she had to dart out of the room during a press conference because she was having another violent coughing attack. When you add this incident on top of all the others, and...

Dear Colin Kaepernick: You’re Not Oppressed. You’re Spoiled.

Dear Colin Kaepernick: You’re Not Oppressed. You’re Spoiled.

Colin Kaepernick is a mediocre NFL quarterback who makes millions of dollars a year playing a game. He is among the many black or biracial Americans who've risen from unfortunate circumstances to enjoy the kind of wealth, luxury, fame, and success that most people in...

If Planned Parenthood Had Its Way, Simone Biles Would Be Dead

If Planned Parenthood Had Its Way, Simone Biles Would Be Dead

Simone Biles is now a world famous American Olympian and, according to people who know a lot more about the subject than I do, perhaps the greatest gymnast of all time. Her story is incredible and inspiring. All the more inspiring when you consider how fortunate she...

If Love is Love, This Incestuous Couple Should Be Celebrated

If Love is Love, This Incestuous Couple Should Be Celebrated

This is a disgusting story, but there's a reason I'm bringing it to your attention. An incestuous mother and son couple in New Mexico are fighting for their right to be with each other. So far, their pleas for support have not been answered. They say they have a right...

Hillary Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead.

Hillary Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead.

This is one of the most disgraceful political events I've ever witnessed. The FBI Director just announced that he will not recommend indictment for Hillary Clinton. He announced this after spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary...

Beyonce is Destroying Your Daughter, Not Empowering Her

Beyonce is Destroying Your Daughter, Not Empowering Her

I generally don't pay very close attention to pop culture, but as a parent, especially as my kids get older, that is a dangerous game. As I explain in my piece today, the gods and goddesses of our nation's children can be found in pop culture. This is where so many...

Nobody Cares About Your Feelings, College Kids

Nobody Cares About Your Feelings, College Kids

We all know that American universities have become places of intense psychological indoctrination. We also know that kids often go into college malleable, immature, and oversensitive, and come out even more malleable, immature, and oversensitive. We all read the...

Dear Christians, Please, Please Stop Apologizing For Your Faith

Dear Christians, Please, Please Stop Apologizing For Your Faith

If I could get every Christian in the country to read just one thing I've ever written, it would probably be this. I just want all Believers in this country stop being ashamed of their faith, and I especially want them to stop backing away from their faith when the...

I will not allow my daughter to be a victim of gender equality

I will not allow my daughter to be a victim of gender equality

Our culture is very dedicated to the false notion of "gender equality." We've been working for many years to achieve an androgynous utopia where women are treated as men and men as women, and where there is no distinguishable difference between the sexes. For the most...

The country is falling apart and it’s your fault

The country is falling apart and it’s your fault

I'm not one to pander to my audience. You might hate my guts -- and maybe you'll hate it even more after you read this -- but hopefully you can at least give me that much. And although I run the risk of alienating literally everyone with this piece, I hope you'll give...

Clearly, We Need More Shame And Judgment In Our Society

Clearly, We Need More Shame And Judgment In Our Society

I want you to read and share this, but I will warn that it's disturbing. Our culture of shamelessness and acceptance has created or exacerbated many evils, but few as nauseating as this one. The guy in the picture below is a 52 year old "transgender" who pretends he...

Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance

Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance

Christians say we are a "Christian nation," but I see no evidence to support that claim. If we are, why is our entertainment and our pop culture often so gleefully sacrilegious and anti-Christian? There are obviously many, many, many examples of this, but a few recent...

Our Problem Isn’t Guns or Mental Illness, It’s Godlessness

Our Problem Isn’t Guns or Mental Illness, It’s Godlessness

As you probably know, a guy murdered a reporter and her cameraman on live TV yesterday. He was a black homosexual racist who, according to his own words, was seeking vengeance for the supposed "homophobia" and racism he'd encountered. He said he wanted to start a race...