I’ve written about this subject a few times here and there, and it always gets a pretty hostile response. That’s no surprise. We watched over 4 billion hours of porn last year on just one site alone, so obviously porn is something very important and personal to many of us. And that’s exactly the problem.

Today I’m building on some points raised by Pamela Anderson (yes, that Pamela Anderson) in an anti-porn Wall Street Journal article a few days ago. She offers some good insights about the dangers of porn (and she knows from experience), but I want to focus primarily on these four points:

1) Nobody anywhere in the world has ever derived any real joy from porn, which proves that there’s something seriously wrong with it.

2) Porn is a lie, and it invites the viewer to participate in the lie and lie to himself.

3) Porn is, in every sense, adultery. And I think I make an argument here that will be very difficult for anyone who reads it honestly to deny.

4) Porn emasculates men and strips us of our dignity and masculinity.

There’s a lot more that could be said and has been said about the porn epidemic, but these four items are particularly important, and aren’t discussed nearly enough. I encourage you to read it all the way through: